Client Information
Instructor information
Instructor Resources
Uploading Documentation
As we move towards more clever documentation mediums such as google forms, so we will have less need to upload documentation, though should clients still need to upload and submit a document such as a consent form of evidence of qualifications, they can do so by either saving the document with their course details such as YYMMDD followed by their initials such as 240416AA and then either:
- Upload the document using the Contact Us tab on the website, complete the form with your name, email and phone number then where it says What are you contacting us about? select the bottom option (this is hidden at the bottom of the drop down tab) To upload a document, confirm that you are not a robot and then presss Send Message.
- Email any document to
Instructors needing to upload a completed document should always email the document direct to this ensures the document is correctly filed. When saving the document add the date in the following YYMMDD format and add your initials such as 240425AB.