Useful Info

What is a Coracle?

A coracle is a small, rounded, lightweight boat of the sort traditionally used in Wales, and also in parts of the West Country and in Ireland, the word is also used of similar boats found in India, Vietnam, Iraq, and Tibet. Back in the day, coracles were made from willow and animal skin to ensure…

Kayak Polo

Have you seen them playing polo at the pitch on the Aquadrome, do you want to find out more? Nomad Kayak Club has been playing polo in kayaks for the last 40 years. A sport that started in Swimming pools across the country following the invention of the Baths Advanced Trainer or BAT for short.…

Train to become an Instructor

For those that wish to migrate from managed to self managed sessions, we provide opportunities for youth leaders and school teachers to become qualified to run their own sessions, removing the need for others to be paid to deliver activities for you. Each April we run two specific paddlesport leaders basic training days, that explain…

Specific Information for Scout Leaders

If you are a Scout leader and you wish to run your own activities with your Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers you can achieve this by following three simple steps. Step 1 Attend Paddlesport Leaers Basic Training, two of these courses run in April (book via the courses page). The Basic Training will familiarise you…

What do I need to bring (summer paddlers)

With the main objective in any paddlesport session attended by young people from May to August, is to get wet as soon as they are able and then to fall in or accidentally fall in or be pushed in, as often as possible. If you are visiting for one activity, you can get away with…

Becoming a regular paddler

Have you attended a Trust activity with your school or club or attended a course and want to do more. In this article, we consider your next steps. Many of us have a good time the first time we try something new, trying something else may be even better fun or attending a course could…

How to Rafting

Youth leaders may not always possess the skills to deliver certain activities so the Canoe Sports Trust is able to offer a variety of courses tailored specifically towards providing leaders the required skills to allow them to pass on to their newly acquired knowledge to the young people, thereby ensuring the leader avoids the embarrassment…

How to book a course

Most of our courses are placed on the website as soon as we have received confirmation that coaches are available to run them. If you find a course you like, you can click on it to reveal more information. Many of the courses at the start of the season are aimed at our volunteers, group…

Safety and Rescue Training

The Paddlesport Safety and Rescue Course (PSR) and is designed to provide paddlers with the skills to deal with common problems that might occur when either supervising or teaching activities on sheltered waters. The course informs paddlers the safe ways to operate and deal with emergencies and paddling issues to either rescue themselves or others…

Courses for Young People

Canoeing, Kayaking and SUP boarding are different types of physical activity to those that people may be used to, because in a kayak or canoe you tend to sit and on a SUP you tend to stand most of the time, this lack of movement prevents you maintaining a core body temperature that you might…