Canoe Sports Trust relies on a team of Instructors to lead activities and Coaches to deliver courses. If you wish to become an Instructor or undertake further training to become a Coach, we provide a range of courses for you to obtain the required qualifications and experience.
Many of the groups visiting the Trust do so using their own Instructors, who may have obtained their qualifications via a Canoe Sports Trust course. Where Groups lack their own leaders, the Trust can provide Instructors to deliver activities for you.
We are always looking for Instructors for seasonal work, with evening activities from May to October and daytime activities from mid June to September.
If you are not yet qualified, recently qualified but lacking experience or confidence, we have ample opportunites for you to work alongside other Instructors. With basic qualifications (safety and first aid) you can work as an assistant instructor, allowing you to participate, supporting activities under supervision.
If you are already qualified, we will need you to evidence your qualifications and then we will need to see you in action so we will pair you with another instructor for your first few sessions, during this time we will expose you to our operational processes.
If you are a young instructor (under 18) and are looking to obtain coaching qualifications to lead courses, the Trust operates a bursary scheme to assist you in your journey to becoming a qualified coach.
If you are interested to learn more about the courses, read the Courses Page.