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Kayak Polo

Have you seen them playing polo at the pitch on the Aquadrome, do you want to find out more?

Nomad Kayak Club has been playing polo in kayaks for the last 40 years. A sport that started in Swimming pools across the country following the invention of the Baths Advanced Trainer or BAT for short. A boat that many early paddlers used to learn to kayak in.

Over time many baths’ pools were closed down in favour of pools with water slides and flumes with the sport of polo being forced to outside venues.

Nomad Kayak Club has operated from Bury Lake for the last 30 years and has been playing polo outdoors for about 20 years in boats that have in time become more refined,

The Club meets on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday evenings to play Kayak Polo, new players are always welcome. Players range from teenagers to those in their seventies and the club tries to maintain four teams: Youth; Ladies; Mens and a Veterans over 50’s team.

To play polo with any success you should be a paddler comfortable in moving water as the water in the pitch can get quite choppy requiring you to have reasonable support stroke (they prevent you from capsizing), you do no need to roll a kayak, though this can be taught reasonably easy if you are keen.

Kayak polo is a violent game requiring players to be appropriately kitted out, A spray deck stops water entering your kayak, the buoyancy aid has all-round padding to protect you from impacts from other boats and the helmet has a face guard to prevent black eyes and broken noses.

Be warned, despite the violence, this is the most fun you are going to have sat down, and a great way to meet new friends and keep fit at the same time. The Kayak Club welcomes new members and players, check out the link on the home page to their website.