What do I need to bring (summer paddlers)

With the main objective in any paddlesport session attended by young people from May to August, is to get wet as soon as they are able and then to fall in or accidentally fall in or be pushed in, as often as possible.

If you are visiting for one activity, you can get away with a single change of clothing, though if you are with us for more than a couple of hours or even all day, you may wish to consider a slight adjustment to the list of clothes to be brought with you.

The problem is never the falling in, but the repeated falling in over a number of hours. The effects on the human body vary considerably based in two factors namely, the temperature of the water and the weather conditions and it is the latter that we have little control over, so adjustments in attire, makes the difference between a fun activity or a miserable experience.

We provide everyone a buoyancy aid (like a life jacket) this has large blocks of foam front and back and when correctly adjusted, will help keep you warm even after you get wet.

Paddling in May

In May the lake temperature is slow to warm after what could have included an extended period where the lake froze over. Whilst the sun is slowly warming the air, it is having less affect on the water, though you could get away with a dip in May on a Sunny day with little or no wind but may struggle without thermal protection if there is a gentle breeze or it is a cloudy day with the occassional break in the clouds.

In such circumstances you can either come better prepared for a water activity or we can provide you a wetsuit. Being better prepared would include sports kit (tops and shorts or poly track pants) and an old pair of trainers or watersports shoes. If you are visiting us for two activities you should consider two changes of sports kit which can be changed if you get cold or wet between activities. If with us over lunch, we encourage a spare change of clothes that can be put on during lunch with a dry change of paddling gear that can be worn in the afternoon.

If we see you getting cold, we have the option of putting you through a hot shower or giving you a wetsuit and a windproof top that will help keep the wind off, even if you get wet again.

Paddling in June

Whilst June may be sunny, that lake water temperature is still only slowly warming up and is not quite there just yet, the lake needs a few more weeks of good sun to warm up sufficient for repeated immersion experiences. Our reccomendation to everyone is sports kit (top and shorts or poly track pants) with high wicking abilities avoiding cotton joggers and hoodies as these just soak up water and are cold and heavy to wear.


For our feet the best thing is watersports shoes, these are like skinny nylon trainers and allow water to flush through. Please avoid any shoes that slip on like crocs, flipflops or sliders as they just as quickly slide off and are lost in the mud at the bottom of the lake never to be seen again. If you cant get watersports shoes old trainers work just as well though avoid bulky leather trainers.

Other suff

On sunny days think sun cream or sun hat, baseball caps are best.

A towel to dry yourself or to wrap round you if you get cold during breaks.

If you must wear glasses, attaching a string, tied to both arms will help them stay in place and stop them falling off your head, note that glasses do not float and we can not be held liable for any that get lost.

If you wear hearing aids, these should be removed before going afloat or advise ylour instructor to ensure those with hearing aids remain dry.

If you carry medication, please place this in a named plastic bag, and pass it to your instructor who has a waterproof bag in which medication is carried.

It is best and safest to leave your mobile phone at home though if you must bring one, ask that it be placed in our safe for security.

In September and October

The water temperature remains steady through September and then starts to cool in October, though the weather is less predicable and we have warm and colder days. Recommended attire is the same as the summer months and if we deem it necessary, we will provide you a wetsuit and windproof top. Wetsuits are reccomended by the centre in October, though if we deem it necessary, we will adjust the activities to minimise accidental immersion.

Staying warm whilst participating is possible. If you do not handle the cold well, you are reccomended to stay dry for as long as possible. Falling in is never compulsory.