Date(s): Sat 10 Jun 23
0900 - 1600
Total spaces: 12
Remaining spaces: 7
The Canoe Sports Trust
-->Paddlesport Leader Basic Training Days is a training opportunity for any leader within scouting, young leader or other skills instructor, to acquire the knowledge and skills to deliver safe and fun paddlesport activities. This is achieved by exposing you to the rules and regulations that govern scouting paddlesport activities. You will learn about the organisations that operate from within the BLYM facility and how through collaboration with each other, we in Scouting are able to provide access to a wide range of paddlesport activities.
Part of the course will include a guided tour of the site and facilities and how to access the equipment to provide the paddlesports. We will identify risks associated with paddlesport activities and discuss mitigating actions that will determine how activities need to be run to ensure they remain safe yet fun and ejoyable for both those leading and those participating.
Scouting Authorisation Permits are explained, should leaders wish to apply though the scheme to lead their own activities and for those leaders presently lacking sufficient experience or qualifications, we will explain the different courses available to leaders to either obtain a local qualification (for use at BLYM only) or a national qualification that is portable to other venues for use elsewhere.
The Paddlesport Leaders Basic training is a requirement for all leaders of local Scouting wishing to deliver paddlesport activities and is reccommended training for other leaders beckoning from Herts, Bucks and Middlesex.
The couse is equally reccomended for leaders from other youth organisation (such as Guides, Sports Clubs and Youth clubs) that may wish to take a more active role in the delivery of paddlesport activities.
The morning session will be theory based with focus given to the organisation and management of activity, qualifications of leaders, leader ratios, training opportunities and elements of safety, following a tea break we will take a tour of the site refamiliarising leaders with equipment storage, facility management and organisation methods that we require you to adopt when hosting activity.
In the afternoon following lunch, participants will be given an opportunity to take to the water to practice their personal paddling skills, in a range of craft that includes open canoes, kayaks, SUPs and kats. We will also run a workship for anyone wishing to run improvised rafting sesssions with bolted frame rafts.
Pictures below of leaders trying their hands at SUP last year.
Bookings are closed for this course.