Date(s): Mon 15 Aug 22 - Fri 19 Aug 22
0900 - 1600
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-->Our 5 day Summer Holiday Camps are a fun way to try many different paddlesports all at the same time with different activities available to try each day with activities including:-
- Different types of Kayaks
- Kayak Polo
- Canoe, including Canoe sailing
- Paddleboarding
- KataKanus
- Mega Paddleboards
- Raft building
- An expedition to Harefield or Croxley along the canal
We conclude the week with games that includes all craft types and we get out the inflatable for some competition races than involve getting rather wet.
Holiday camps are best suited for children aged 11 to 15 and run 9am to 4pm.
Some youngsters use the five days to try a range of different sports to see what they might try when undertaking the physical section of their Duke of Edinburgh Awards whilst others may use it to get some practice in before a family holiday where they might try similar activities. Some just join in the fun to get out the house and have a fun week on the water, whatever your motivation, you will have a great time on one of these camps. We supply wetsuits, waterproofs and all safety equipment, all you need to do is turn up with your towel, swim shorts, wet shoes, a rash vest and a fleece jumper and you are ready for the off.
Each young person will need a packed lunch for each day, with hot and cold drinks provided. These courses remain popular with available places filling up fast, so please book your place to avoid disappointment.
Each five day course is £250.
Bookings are closed for this course.