Hillingdon HAF Watersports Summer Camp (471) – Course Full

Date(s): Mon 5 Aug 24 - Thu 8 Aug 24
0930 - 1530

Total spaces: 24
Remaining spaces: 0





The Canoe Sports Trust is hosting two Government funded Watersports Summer Camps for young people aged 11 to 16 years, living in the London Borough of Hillingdon catchment that are FSM entitled. Our first 4 day camp takes place on the 5th to the 8th of August 2024.

HAF Camps are all about providing access to fun activities during the school holidays for young people entitled to free school meals, with activities and a hot meal included. The course is sponsored by Hillingdon Council.

Participants can expect a range of paddlesports that include Sit on Tops and Kayaks, single and twin hulled Canoes, SUPs and fun on the Mega SUP. Most activities are conducted on a spring fed freshwater lake and we also do a journey along the Grand Union Canal.

Included on this course is an opportunity to learn some basic cooking that will include preparing  ingredients and cooking (under close supervision) your own hot meal on the final day of the course.

Each course is limited to 24 young people, with bookings managed on a strictly first come first served basis. When all places are booked, we will record a further 6 names that will go on our reserves list before declaring the course full. When a course is full we shall alter the information on this page to say so by declaring it FULL in the title.

Please note that due to the nature of the activity, each participant will need to be water confident and be able to swim 25 meters should the need to do so arise.



Not before funding is confirmed, will  you be able to book on to this  course.  If you are entitled to free school meals, you will recieve an email from Hillingdon Council, you will recieve a HAF number and will be advised that places can be now booked.

When the time comes to book your place, please complete the bookings section below. You will be required to provide your name, your HAF number, your parent/guardian name, an email address and a contact telephone or mobile number.

Joining instructions will be supplied to the email address provided as soon as the course is full which will probably be before the start of the school holidays in July. An online form will need to be completed along with a parent/guardian consent form which needs to be returned by email to us by the 22nd of July.

You will forfeit your course place if you fail to return your consent form by the 22nd of July, with you place being offered to the next name on the reserves list. Should you be unable at any time to attend the course, please let us know so we can then offer your place to someone on the reserves list.


This course is fully booked.